Τετάρτη 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2010

Islands in Greece, the best vacation

Islands in Greece, the best vacation, partying, relaxation

When traveling to th
e Islands in Greece even before you get there and you know yourself what to expect, and how beautiful it pass.

Wonderful beaches are famous worldwide, with sun and sea as anywhere, perhaps the most magical destination worldwide

Islands in Greece each year visit another Greece, 10,000,00
0 people each year leaves to seal in all the beautiful Greek island.
  • Aegean Islands



Discovering the island of Aphrodite with the hidden catacombs, the colorful beaches and a volcano drowsy.

Lesvos is the third largest island in Greece. Capital and port of the island is Mytilene

Greece has over 2000 islands, large or small.
Of these permanently inhabited almost one hundred.
Most of them are located in the Aegean.
The Aegean Islands have many peculiarities,
both as regards their morphology, and their people.
Islands can be little between them are very diverse
to cultural and historic aspects, architectural and geophysical characteristics.
Other rich vegetation, others naked, others colored, other white ...
However, all bathed in the blue Aegean Sea and the bright sunlight.
Full of small chapels and picturesque coves, traditional villages and beautiful beaches ...
The islands of the Aegean ... This world, the small, the great ...

  • Ionian islands
Corfu is the westernmost (all aspects) part of Greece. One of the Ionian islands, known worldwide as a tourist resort, undoubtedly with natural, historical and cultural wealth.

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